June 2024 Teacher-Scholar Spotlight: Alexia Simon

June 1, 2021
Alexia Simon

"Teacher-Scholar Spotlight" on a blue background

Welcome to the newest edition of our Teacher-Scholar Spotlight, illuminating PhD students’ insights on teaching and learning! Each month we’ll share the experiences of PhD students who have engaged in Bok Center programming and what they’ve learned about and from teaching.

Alexia Simon, G5 in Astronomy

Summarize your research in 2 sentences.

My research focuses on laboratory Astrochemistry, where our group explores the chemical complexity found in space. By investigating these chemical processes, we aim to unravel their impact on star and planet formation, as well as understand how various astrophysical processes (like UV from the stars, heat or cosmic rays) shape the chemistry within space environments.

What have you learned from teaching?

Teaching has taught me the profound impact of passion and effective communication. I've discovered that by sharing my enthusiasm for a subject, I can inspire students who are eager to learn and listen. Through my interactions with students, I've not only deepened my own understanding of the subject matter but also cultivated a greater sense of dedication and inspiration for science. Teaching has been a process of learning and growth, where each interaction with students has contributed to my own development as a person and a lifelong learner.

How did you get involved with the Bok Center?

I first became familiar with the Bok Center through the Professional Communication for New International Scholars program in August 2019, which was jointly organized by GSAS and the Bok Center. This initial experience sparked my interests, prompting me to further engage with the Bok Center by participating in multiple seminars. To date, I have taken part in several Bok Seminars, each of which has enriched my understanding of pedagogy and enhanced my communication, teaching, and creativity.

What is something you learned in a Bok Seminar that you’ll use in the future?

Attending various Bok Seminars has provided me with valuable insights that I intend to apply now and in the future. Specifically, I have learned effective strategies for articulating ideas and opinions in a clear and impactful manner. Moreover, a recent seminar prompted me to critically examine the significance of active learning and its potential applications for future generations. This experience has inspired me to explore innovative approaches to incorporate active learning methods into my teaching practices, fostering an engaging and dynamic learning environment for students. However, the most crucial lesson I've learned is the importance of listening. Understanding the needs and perspectives of students is essential; without active listening, true learning and meaningful connections cannot take place

What would you say to PhD students about why they should get involved with the Bok Center?

Try it, you’ll love it ! The Bok Center offers a diverse range of seminars available to all profiles, making it an invaluable resource for PhD students. Whether you're seeking to enhance your teaching skills, improve communication, foster creativity, organization or receive support in any aspect of your academic journey, the Bok Center is there to help. I've found it to be a welcoming and supportive environment, providing a safe space to develop essential tools applicable to any career path. By getting involved with the Bok Center, PhD students can access a wealth of resources and opportunities to grow professionally and personally.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

For 7 years, I was part of a circus charity organization, which served as my physical activity outside of school. This circus, the first of its kind (i.e. amateur circus) in France, hosts two annual performances involving participants of all ages and circus disciplines.

Have you been working with the Bok Center this year? Do you want to be featured in the Teacher-Scholar spotlight? Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch!