Bok Seminar - Classroom Culture: Fostering Equity and Inclusion in Community


Thursday, October 1, 2020, 10:00am to 12:00pm



Led by Noelle Lopez

As teachers and learners at universities around the world currently face socio-political unrest and an ongoing pandemic, how can you, in your role as a TF, engage with these challenges in the (online) classroom? Specifically, how can you work with students to cultivate a classroom culture in which issues of equity and inclusion are explicitly addressed? Fostering equitable and inclusive learning communities requires collaboration, skill, and practice. Through short readings, activities and dialogue with peer teachers, and a conversation with the Bok Center’s Undergraduate Pedagogy Fellows, this seminar will give you an opportunity to reflect on the forms of equity and inclusion you hope to promote through your teaching. Together we will consider various obstacles to equity and inclusion in academic classroom culture, and we will try out different techniques and approaches for fostering equity and inclusion in community.

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